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A student who once hid quietly in the back of the class finds a confidence he never knew he had … and now will never lose. Another, once unsure of her future goals, discovers a passion for a specific skill that will lead to a fulfilling, in-demand career. A teacher, struggling to provide students with real-world connections to their classroom, transforms his curriculum into an engaging model of a high-functioning workplace. An industry representative, once struggling to find entry-level employees to meet her company’s growing needs, taps into a talent pipeline of career-ready applicants ready to bridge that skills gap. These moments — and so many more — happen every day across our nation thanks to SkillsUSA involvement.

SkillsUSA changes classrooms. SkillsUSA changes workplaces. SkillsUSA changes lives.


"The employability and leadership skills — and just the motivation and the confidence you get from involvement with SkillsUSA — is amazing. It helped me to have a feeling of worth."

— Brice Harader-Pate, former SkillsUSA student

SkillsUSA serves students in middle school, high school and college/postsecondary chapters across the nation, and those chapters are student-led. While each group is ultimately on the same career-ready journey, they each need specific tools and support relevant to how far along on the journey they’ve come. SkillsUSA offers competitions, events, conferences, programs and more to help students grow their personal and professional skills through a holistic approach that’s tailored to each step up the educational ladder.

High school students ramp up their hands-on training in their trade area of choice, and they experience priceless opportunities to apply those skills to the real world through competitions, community service projects and more. They learn to incorporate the Essential Elements of the SkillsUSA Framework into their daily lives (Teamwork, Communication, Integrity, Professional Development and so much more) while building their future skillset on an unrivaled foundation of peer and teacher support.

High school students ramp up their hands-on training in their trade area of choice, and they experience priceless opportunities to apply those skills to the real world through competitions, community service projects and more. They learn to incorporate the Essential Elements of the SkillsUSA Framework into their daily lives (Teamwork, Communication, Integrity, Professional Development and so much more) while building their future skillset on an unrivaled foundation of peer and teacher support.

High school students ramp up their hands-on training in their trade area of choice, and they experience priceless opportunities to apply those skills to the real world through competitions, community service projects and more. They learn to incorporate the Essential Elements of the SkillsUSA Framework into their daily lives (Teamwork, Communication, Integrity, Professional Development and so much more) while building their future skillset on an unrivaled foundation of peer and teacher support.


"SkillsUSA has changed me as a teacher and incorporating SkillsUSA has enhanced my curriculum. You will not believe the life-changing difference SkillsUSA makes for students and how it can change their futures. Students come out of my program prepared for the workforce or college. It improves grades, attendance and attitude."

— Julie Ivan, SkillsUSA advisor

Teachers are heroes. They're also over-worked and often under-appreciated, so why should they take on the role of a SkillsUSA advisor? Simple. SkillsUSA doesn't “add work” to a teacher’s role, it adds value. SkillsUSA isn’t “extra-curricular,” but “intra-curricular,” and it’s ultimately the students who lead a chapter’s activities while advisors facilitate and guide. SkillsUSA connects teachers with industry, offering new avenues for classroom support and development while ensuring that curriculum is relevant to cutting-edge standards. It keeps students motivated and engaged as they connect the classroom to the real world and their future goals. It helps build administrator and community support for a teacher’s programs, provides access to a wealth of turnkey educational resources and, most importantly, helps teachers achieve the one goal that makes all the work worthwhile: seeing their students succeed as professionals and people who make a difference, just like the teachers who inspired them.