Lowe’s announces grants up to $15,000 for SkillsUSA chapters focused on the construction trade – including:
Do you need to upgrade your tools or equipment? Do you need additional materials and supplies for your students this year? Do your students have a great community service project that they would like to conduct but you need equipment, materials and supplies to launch?
Consider applying for a Lowe’s grant for up to $15,000. All funds must be spent at Lowe’s. The grant is designed to upgrade a classroom or lab with new equipment or materials and supplies for a community service project.
Timeline for the grant cycle:
Applications open on September 1, 2023.
Application must be submitted by September 30, 2023.
Successful applicants will be notified by October 30, 2023.
Projects or upgrades must be completed by June 1, 2024.
Simple reporting requirements include a three-minute video by the students and instructors that share the impact of the grant. Additionally, post three social media shout outs and a news release to your campus website or the local newspaper. The posts and news releases will be provided. Successful applicants will also supply a short summary stating quantifiable impact data of the project or upgrade.
If you have questions about the grant program, please reach out to Laura Rauch at lrauch@skillsusa.org.
Applications will be accepted here starting Sept. 1.
For more information about SkillsUSA, contact:
SkillsUSA Inc. is a national nonprofit and tax-exempt student organization under the Internal Revenue Service Code, Section (501)(c)(3).
Mailing Address
673 Potomac Station Dr., PMB #809
Leesburg, VA 20176
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