Chapter Excellence Program

The Best Way to Build a Strong Chapter


The Chapter Excellence Program (CEP) is the single best way to build a successful SkillsUSA chapter. The CEP recognizes achievement as it relates to the integration of the SkillsUSA Framework in chapter Program of Work (PoW) activities.

Every chapter is encouraged to participate in the CEP, and there are three award levels to recognize program involvement. The first two levels are acknowledged by a chapter’s state association, and the third level is recognized nationally. Each level is designed to give chapters a benchmark for success and future improvement, leading to stronger chapters and better-prepared students. The more a chapter applies the Framework, the greater the chance for CEP honors, so go for the gold and gain the recognition your chapter deserves through CEP participation!

CEP Recognition Levels

Level 1: Quality Chapter

This first level honors chapters for achieving essential standards of excellence.

Level 2: Chapter of Distinction

This second level recognizes chapters that go beyond baseline requirements, and Chapter of Distinction award winners may earn bronze, silver or gold level of this award.

Level 3: Models of Excellence

Chapters in each state receiving a gold “Chapter of Distinction” award are eligible for national selection as a Models of Excellence chapter. These chapters define excellence. Best practices will be gleaned from the award winners and shared with the field to serve as models for other chapters to emulate in strengthening their local programs. Eight chapters will be chosen to represent each component of the SkillsUSA Framework (Personal, Workplace and Technical Skills), and one winner representing each component will be chosen at SkillsUSA’s National Leadership & Skills Conference.

Click the image to download the CEP Advisor’s Guide

CEP Application

Want to participate in the CEP? Fill out the application on our membership site. Once logged in, click the “Membership” button and select “Chapter Excellence Program.”

CEP Coaching

Need some help with the CEP? Schedule a free one-on-one coaching session with our CEP and Program of Work coach Kellie Engelbrecht!


2023 CEP Chapters

Download the full list of 2023 CEP participating chapters, alphabetized by state. Congratulations to all of our chapters of excellence!

CEP Resources