SkillsUSA strives to be the Workplace Learning Experiences leader within career and technical education by serving as the premier intermediary for students, educators and industry partners through the provision of reputable professional development, industry-informed credentialing opportunities, and innovative data collection. SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Experiences will define and provide high-quality engagement across the Career Development Continuum.
Click on the squares to explore Workplace Learning Experiences
Students participating in Paid, Program Aligned Work Placements have been placed at a work-site with an industry partner closely aligned to the program of study in which the student participates. Additionally, the student receives compensation for their work. While these placements will typically provide students with course credit, it is not required. Paid, Program Aligned Work Placements are considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
A program or set of services designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered
Apprenticeship Program. A Pre-Apprenticeship program must have a documented partnership with at least one Registered Apprenticeship Program. Pre-apprenticeships are considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, receive progressive wage increases, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential. Registered Apprenticeships are industry-vetted and approved and validated by the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticeship Agency. Registered Apprenticeships are considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Opportunities hosted by employer partners in which students and/or educators visit an industry location (office, plant, worksite, etc.) to experience a specific career setting, explore and understand academic and technical skills required by a specific career, and to engage with adults working within the career setting. Industry Tours are considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Mock interviews provide students and industry professionals with an opportunity to interact with one another. Interviews are organized to provide students with insight into how to conduct themselves during an interview as well as one on one connection with a career professional. Mock Interviews are considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Resume Assistance provides students and industry professionals with opportunities to connect by working together to develop a student’s resume. Such collaboration allows a student to understand the unique structure of a resume based on an occupation as well as certifications and education they may need in the future for their desired career. Resume Assistance is considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Service learning represents a typically unpaid work experience in which a student participates that betters their community. Many SkillsUSA chapters participate in Service Learning workplace learning experiences by donating their time and skills to create something for the community in which they live, such as carpentry projects or participation in programs like Habitat for Humanity. Service Learning is considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Clinical internships typically serve as a capstone experience for students in the health sciences. Students will have opportunities to serve on a rotation of medical services while also earning hours towards a certification such as the Certified Nursing Assistant certificate.
Career Research can be considered a component of Career Exploration Curriculum. Career Research includes intentional, guided learning and research for a student to further develop their understanding and discernment of careers and the requirements of careers, such as needed education, certifications, and training. Career Research is considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Employer-led projects allow for industry partners to meaningfully engage with students and programs that align with their occupational needs. Industry partners and educators collaborate to create actionable and influential projects that promote targeted objectives that answer the needs of the industry partner as well as the educational objectives of the educator, course, and students. Employer-led projects are considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Work-based learning simulation or virtual work-based learning provides students an opportunity to interact with workplace skills and industry partners in a virtual environment. Many simulation and virtual programs are responses to the Covid-19 pandemic and vary in delivery, duration, and curriculum. Many local districts and states have begun developing operational expectations for such programs. Work-based Learning Simulation/Virtual WBL is considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Students participating in Paid, Program Non-aligned Work Placements represent a population of students participating in a Work-based Learning course that provides course credit and compensation. However, their work placement may not align with any career and technical education course in which they participate. Paid, Program Non-Aligned Work Placements are considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Curriculum designed to assist students in exploring careers as well as their own aptitudes and interests in an effort to provide students with the knowledge to discern their own career pathways and needs. Many states require career exploration modules between grades 6-12. SkillsUSA Career Essentials is an available Career Exploration Curriculum available to students from middle school to adult education programs. Career Exploration Curriculum is considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Guest speaking is one of the most accessible workplace learning experiences for both students and industry professionals alike. Guest speaking allows a partner to speak to classes on their career, the requirements for their career, what daily operations look like in their career, etc. Guest speaking is influential for students in all grades. Guest speaking is considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Often seen as an expansion from Industry Tours, Job Shadowing provides students with a more focused, intentional, and personal experiences at an industry location. Job Shadow opportunities can range from a one-day experience to a week or longer and provide students with observation and hands-on opportunities within a specific career. Job Shadowing is considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
Mentorship opportunities can either be offered to students as a unique opportunity or can be easily paired with work-based learning placements such as job shadow placements, program specific work-based learning placements, etc. Mentorships are designed to provide students with a role model as a student explores a specific career. Mentorships are considered to be a part of the SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Continuum.
SkillsUSA will serve students and partners by remaining a strong neutral partner across the stakeholder spectrum, maintaining a student-first lens. Valued stakeholders include students, educators and industry partners and are thus engaged in the SkillsUSA Career Development Continuum and Workplace Learning Experiences with their own targeted focus across these key strategies:
SkillsUSA will collect student participation data across the career development continuum and workplace learning experiences. Such data will inform industry engagement and educator strategy, thus propelling innovative workplace learning experiences at the local, state and national levels.
By engaging students in opportunities through SkillsUSA programming, SkillsUSA can ensure that students have access to world-class training and development opportunities, as well as ensuring partners have access to a highly trained and credentialed talent pipeline.
SkillsUSA serves as a strong neutral partner with the capacity to provide reputable local, state, and national professional development for educators. SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Experiences, in conjunction with partners, will provide comprehensive professional development, including specialized credentialing, to educators so that they may better serve students along the career development continuum.
SkillsUSA serves as a strong neutral partner with the unique ability to communicate across stakeholder groups. SkillsUSA will leverage this position to provide comprehensive and stakeholder specific marketing and communication with an intentional focus on the student and family value of Workplace Learning Experiences.
The infographic below provides information on how SkillsUSA Workplace Learning Experiences will provide each stakeholder group direct opportunities to engage in the career development continuum and workplace learning experiences. We believe that if we are to achieve shared terminology and high-quality career development opportunities for students, then our stakeholders must be served in the following ways. Conversely, if our stakeholders are served in the ways listed below, then SkillsUSA will serve as the premier intermediary to all stakeholder groups and lead the momentum in Workplace Learning Experiences.
Click on the tabs to explore stakeholder-specific strategies.
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